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Evening and weekend appointments are available.

office hours

Weekdays : 8:30am – 5:00pm

Frequently Asked Questions

Registered Clinical Counsellors offer counselling as a legitimate source of support in a crisis situation. But you don’t have to be in a crisis to benefit from counselling. People come to counselling to gain insight and self-awareness, to gain emotional agility, build coping skills or improve relationships.

This is a normal experience for a lot of first timers in therapy. The idea/reality that you’ll be sharing intimate details to a stranger can be daunting. Your therapist knows this too and can be explored in your intake and first session. Please do not feel pressured to divulge all information. we have time for that.

I knooowwww! Sessions typically go between 50mins to an hour and in a few cases, it can extend longer. The goal when working together is to ensure that you leave each session feeling heard and sometimes that could mean another 10-15minutes.

There isn’t a one size fits all time frame. There are treatment modalities that will require weekly sessions ranging between 6-12weeks and after that clients can choose to engage in “maintenance” therapy aka therapy as needed. This is another area that will be explored in your first session.

It is important to note that you are in charge of choosing to attend therapy. The benefits of therapy lasts when clients are intrinsically motivated to attend and put in the work.

Yes. Before our first session, you will get an intake and consent form for you to sign. Most clients prefer going over the consent form during the first session in order to clarify any questions or concerns they might have before signing. You can choose to do that.

You can definitely inform your therapist about treatment modalities used in your previous therapy experience that you believe worked for you. Every therapist has specific modalities that they specialize in but this would definitely be a conversation to have either during intake or as your sessions progress.

You can definitely choose to cancel or reschedule your session but we ask that you give 24hours notice. Cancellations made outside this time frame will still be subject to the full payment for a single session.

Payments are due before the start of each session and are required before session links are sent. There are sliding scale fees created to fit individual needs, please take a look and select what best works for you.

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